Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Cupcakes!

Check out this great video for cupcakes I saw on the Today show. We are going to make the green flower ones for nursery on Sunday! ENJOY!!!!


TG and Steph said...

These are such cute cupcakes! Can't wait to see you when you come to town!

TG and Steph said...

It's really easy, but you have to retype everyones names. It's in the add a gadget. It's under blog list. You can sort the list by people who have recently updated their blog.

Casandra Winter said...

those are adorable!

noelle said...

i'm a hopeless baker. i didn't even bother to click play for fear of getting depressed.

but on another note, yay for updating your blog! now we just need some pics of your adorable baby girl who, i am sure, is NOT a baby anymore. love you. so are you guys totally giving up on the girls' weekend in mexico??? what say you all?