On Sunday our ward spilt so now we have the Rose City Tongan 1st ward and the Rose City Tongan 2nd ward. The youth refer to it as the "EASTSIDE!!!" and the "WESTSIDE!!!!!" LOL! The stake had to organize and new bishopric and Lex got called as the 2nd counselor in the 2nd ward! We have known for awhile because of our interview with the stake. He has been super busy already with his new calling because they have to call new callings for the entire ward! He is going to be in charge of the primary, youth and ysa! He is really excited about the challenge ahead of him. The only thing is that I can't sit by my sweet hubby in church anymore. He is probably glad because he doesn't have to listen to my tone death voice on Sunday. I've been trying to explain to Tallie that daddy has to sit on the stand and we can't talk to him when he is on the stand. She is still insisting to stand up in the pew and wave, and say "hi DAD!"! I included a pic of Tal and daddy before church and Tal's new backpack that grandma got her its too cute!!! I'll have a ton new pics soon because we are heading to FL tomorrow for Les's graduation!!! We will also be visiting Mickey Mouse and Shamu!!! Later family and friends LOve Love
14, Fourteen, 1-4
Marshall is slowly settling into his teen years. Next year, he will be
heading to high school.
He is full of energy and a friend-making mach...
5 days ago